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Tau Carbono


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- story by MaterialDistrict

The Carbono serie; TAU CerÁ mica drew inspiration from the effect and texture of carbon fibre. These fibres are made up of chains of carbon atoms. The highly sophisticated manufacturing process involves weaving and bonding them together using epoxy resins and then submitting them to high temperatures in controlled atmospheres, a process which produces a high strength polymer product.
Like the material on which it is modelled, Carbono generates tiny geometric glints and shimmers, giving microtextures on porcelain tiles. This model is available in 30×60 and 60×60 pieces, in two finishes: natural and polished. The shades available are graphite, silver, mother-of-pearl, ash, ocean or stone.
The origins of this innovative idea developed by TAU CerÁ mica lie in TAU Advanced, the Castellón-based company’s forum for experimental creativity.

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